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- Depozīta iepakojuma operators

About DIO

DIO was founded in June 2020, bringing together experienced Baltic regional market leaders in the beverage industry, local small and medium beverage producers, as well as AS PET Baltija, the largest recycler of PET in the Baltics, which will take charge of recycling the packaging. The interests of retailers in the deposit system are represented by the Latvian Retailer Association (Latvijas Mazumtirgotāju Biedrība).


While emphasising protection of the environment as a priority, we want to implement a deposit system that is easy-to-use and convenient to the general public, leading to high recycling rates by returning used packaging to the economy, and to prevent price increases for products sold in retail. We will create a modern centralised deposit system operating on the principle of manufacturer responsibility, ensuring that the income from recycling the collected material will remain in the deposit system as part of covering the costs of operating the system.

DIO mission

Our goals

Effect positive change in the habits of the general public, providing consumers with an easy-to-use and friendly deposit system

Effect positive change in the habits of the general public, providing consumers with an easy-to-use and friendly deposit system

Reduce the amount of waste ending up on the Baltic Sea coast, in rivers, forests, parks and other natural areas visited by people

Reduce the amount of waste ending up on the Baltic Sea coast, in rivers, forests, parks and other natural areas visited by people

Establish a transparent operator management policy based on public interest

Establish a transparent operator management policy based on public interest

Achieve as many reusable glass bottles and as much recyclable material being returned back into the economy and reused in products as possible, thus increasing resource efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions

Achieve as many reusable glass bottles and as much recyclable material being returned back into the economy and reused in products as possible, thus increasing resource efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions

Inform the public about the possibility of returning used packaging, and build the sustainable habit of caring for the environment

Inform the public about the possibility of returning used packaging, and build the sustainable habit of caring for the environment

Observe the principle of zero-profit in the system, and reinvest any profits in the sustainability and development of the deposit system

Observe the principle of zero-profit in the system, and reinvest any profits in the sustainability and development of the deposit system

Education materials for teachers (in Latvian)

Stundas plāns 1.-3. klase
Prezentācija 1.-3. klase
Darba lapa 1.-3. klase
Mājasdarbs 1.-3. klase
Stundas plāns 4.-6. klase
Prezentācija 4.-6. klase
Darba lapa 4.-6. klase
Izejas biļete 4.-6. klase
Stundas plāns 7.-9. klase
Prezentācija 7.-9. klase
Darba lapa 7.-9. klase
Stundas plāns 10.-12. klase
Prezentācija 10.-12. klase
Darba lapa 10.-12. klase

Education materials for teachers (in Latvian)

Stundas plāns 1.-3. klase
Prezentācija 1.-3. klase
Darba lapa 1.-3. klase
Mājasdarbs 1.-3. klase
Stundas plāns 4.-6. klase
Prezentācija 4.-6. klase
Darba lapa 4.-6. klase
Izejas biļete 4.-6. klase
Stundas plāns 7.-9. klase
Prezentācija 7.-9. klase
Darba lapa 7.-9. klase
Stundas plāns 10.-12. klase
Prezentācija 10.-12. klase
Darba lapa 10.-12. klase

Financial information

System funding principles

Payments by beverage manufacturers for participating in the deposit system.
Deposit fee for any packaging not returned to the system by consumers.
Income from materials collected and handed over for recycling.
The deposit system operates based on the zero-profit principle, and all funds earned will be reinvested in the operation and development of the system.

Plans and reports

Operating plan for the arrangement and implementation of the deposit system
Apkopotā informācija par pārskatu par depozīta sistēmas īstenošanu par laikposmu no 2022. gada 1.februāra līdz 2022. gada 31.decembrim
Apkopotā informācija par depozīta sistēmas īstenošanu par laikposmu no 2023. gada 1.janvāra līdz 2023. gada 30.jūnijam

Plans and reports

Operating plan for the arrangement and implementation of the deposit system
Apkopotā informācija par pārskatu par depozīta sistēmas īstenošanu par laikposmu no 2022. gada 1.februāra līdz 2022. gada 31.decembrim
Apkopotā informācija par depozīta sistēmas īstenošanu par laikposmu no 2023. gada 1.janvāra līdz 2023. gada 30.jūnijam

Circulation of packaging and deposit fees.


Movement of packaging

Movement of the deposit fee


The deposit packers pay the participation fee to the DIO deposit system and a deposit fee for the products brought to the market by day 20 of the current month, thus paying for the previous month.


The deposit packers sell the packaging to the retailer who pays the product price and the deposit fee within the time agreed by these parties.


The retailer hands over the disposable packaging it has accepted from customers to DIO, which returns the deposit fee to the retailer by day 25 of the following month, based on the registered number of deposited units of packaging.


Once the product is consumed, the consumer returns the packaging to the retailer. The retailer returns the deposit fee to the consumer.


When buying the product, the consumer pays the retailer the product price and the packaging deposit fee.

DIO leadership


board chairman


production and financial director


logistics and infrastructure director





AS Aldaris


AS Cēsu Alus


SIA Coca-Cola HBC Latvia


AS Cido Grupa


Board chairman, SIA 'Alus un dzērienu Iepakojuma savienība'


AS PET Baltija


‘Latvijas Alus Darītāju Savienība’ association


Latvijas Mazumtirgotāju Biedrība


Ask a question


SIA Depozīta Iepakojuma Operators
+371 25613000

SIA Depozīta Iepakojuma Operators
Reg. No. 44103146177
Registered address: Granīta iela 27, Acone, Salaspils pag., Salaspils nov., LV-2119
Office address: Granīta iela 27, Acone, Salaspils pag., Salaspils nov., LV-2119
Bank: SEB banka
Account No: LV95UNLA0055001733525


If there is Latvian deposit sign and the packaging is not flat or damaged, but it cannot be successfully returned, please contact us, sending a photo of the packaging and information about the address of RVM and date to:
Whatsapp +371 20224214


DIO working hours:
Mon–Fri 08:30—17:30
Sat–Sun: closed

For manufacturers and importers
+371 25676545

For retail and HoReCa companies
+371 20226575